Induction Checklist

Induction Checklist

Induction Checklist

I confirm that the following has been included within my induction and I am fully aware of the following; YES NO

Introduction to 360 Recruitment Ltd  

Introduction to the site working on

Health and Safety including PPE, clocking on etc…

Equal Opportunities

Rights and Responsibilities – what is expected of me.

Code of Conduct

Hours of Work (Shift arrangements)

Holiday Entitlement – How my holidays are Accrued, Bank holiday entitlement and how to book time off.

Absence and Sickness – who and when to inform, when to get a Doctor’s note and SSP.

Disciplinary Procedure

Grievance Procedure

Travel Arrangements

On-Boarding Pre- Employment Journey

Assistance Request Details

Whistle Blowing –  Modern Slavery Helpline on 0800 0121 700

Other Information

Would you like any additional information not already covered within the induction? If YES please specify


Bank Details:


Sort Code

Account Number

Your present circumstances

Read all the following statements carefully and enter ‘X’ in the one box that applies to you.


A – This is my first job since last 6 April and

I have not been receiving taxable Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit or a state or occupational pension


B – This is now my only Job, but since last 6 April I have had another job, or have received taxable jobseekers Allowance, Employment Support Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit. I do not receive a state or occupational pension


C – I have another job or receive a state or occupational pension.


 Employee Signature:



Employee Name


Site Name & Location

I confirm that the following has been included within my induction and I am fully aware of the following; YES NO

Introduction to 360 Recruitment Ltd  

Introduction to the site working on

Health and Safety including PPE, clocking on etc…

Equal Opportunities

Rights and Responsibilities – what is expected of me.

Code of Conduct

Hours of Work (Shift arrangements)

Holiday Entitlement – How my holidays are Accrued, Bank holiday entitlement and how to book time off.

Absence and Sickness – who and when to inform, when to get a Doctor’s note and SSP.

Disciplinary Procedure

Grievance Procedure

Travel Arrangements

On-Boarding Pre- Employment Journey

Assistance Request Details

Whistle Blowing –  Modern Slavery Helpline on 0800 0121 700

Other Information

Would you like any additional information not already covered within the induction? If YES please specify


Bank Details:


Sort Code

Account Number

Your present circumstances

Read all the following statements carefully and enter ‘X’ in the one box that applies to you.


A – This is my first job since last 6 April and

I have not been receiving taxable Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit or a state or occupational pension


B – This is now my only Job, but since last 6 April I have had another job, or have received taxable jobseekers Allowance, Employment Support Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit. I do not receive a state or occupational pension


C – I have another job or receive a state or occupational pension.


 Employee Signature:



Employee Name


Site Name & Location